Brentwood Animal Clinic

4605 Brentwood Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32206


Benefits of Acupuncture

Dr. Philip C. HightmanFor which conditions is acupuncture treatment suggested?

Acupuncture is a suggested treatment mainly for functional problems, such as those that involve paralysis, noninfectious inflammation (such as allergies), and pain.

Here are some of the general conditions treated with acupuncture for Small Animals:

  • Musculoskeletal problems, such as sore backs
  • Skin problems, such as lick granuloma
  • Respiratory problems, such as feline asthma
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea
  • Selected reproductive problems
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Sprains

Here are some of the general conditions treated with acupuncture for Large Animals:

  • Musculoskeletal problems, such as sore backs
  • Nervous system problems, such as facial nerve paralysis
  • Skin problems, such as allergic dermatitis
  • Respiratory problems, such as heaves and "bleeders"
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as non-surgical colic
  • Selected reproductive disorders

In addition, regular acupuncture treatment can treat sports injuries as they occur and can help to keep muscles and tendons resistant to injury. World class professional and amateur athletes often use acupuncture as a routine part of their training. If your animals are involved in any athletic endeavor, such as racing, jumping, or showing, acupuncture can help keep them in top physical condition.